El fundador de la empresa ha declarado: “This is the first guarantee on a student’s earnings in the years following graduation. Colleges choose to buy our insurance, and we use data on student outcomes from that college to set expected salaries for their students, by major. When students graduate from a college with our income guarantee, those students are covered for five years after graduation based on whatever major they finished with. At the end of the five years, all the students need to do is send Degree Insurance their W2s or tax returns—objective, verifiable, third-party documents that they’re filling out anyway—and we send them a check for the difference between what they were expected to make and what they actually made.”
Y prosigue: “Higher education is the largest uninsured investment market in the world. And at an individual level, it’s the only place you’d counsel someone you love to borrow five or ten times their net worth and make a single investment with it.”