El Consejo de la Unión Europea (CUE) ha publicado unas conclusiones para “aumentar el atractivo de las carreras de investigación y la circulación de cerebros dentro del Espacio Europeo de Investigación”.
En este texto, el CUE:
“STRESSES the increasing trend towards precariousness of employment in academia, loss of talent and reduction of job security in many countries, aggravated by the COVID-19 pandemic; NOTES that suboptimal balance between institutional and project-based funding lead to short-term, project-based contracts that do not give a long-term perspective for researchers, as shown by the fact that temporary grant-based contracts dominate the early- career path in academia; RECOGNISES that the number of academic positions is limited and that researchers are increasingly likely to find a job outside academia or to reach a permanent position in academia at a later stage in their professional careers; and ASKS Member States and the Commission for appropriate instruments and tools promoting attractive working conditions within and beyond academia.”
Por otra parte, el CUE:
“HIGHLIGHTS that the skills mismatch observed in the labour markets of many countries result from the fact that doctoral training tend to focus on an academic research career path, research skills and standard academic incentives, thus not providing the right transversal skills for talents to move to other sectors, whose absorption capacity for academic profiles is limited; “UNDERLINES the need to support career development and counselling services, including advice regarding career choices in all career stages; and ENCOURAGES a stronger role for skills intelligence in informing policy decisions and the considerations on researchers and research careers when designing national measures or strategies in this field; and UNDERLINES that doctoral training in collaboration with the private sector helps to bridge the difference in culture and boost the required research skills outside the academia, thus fostering employability.
“UNDERLINES in these contexts the importance of upskilling and reskilling and transversal skills, in particular digital skills; and INVITES the Commission to promote initiatives in synergy with the Pact for Skills to maximise the impact of skills investment by bringing together public and private stakeholders.
“HIGHLIGHTS the need to enlarge the doctoral training programmes building on the example of the MSCA Doctoral Networks, beyond academic training, including transferable skills valuable to other sectors, and the involvement of other sectors in the training systems for early-career researchers from the onset in order to improve matching with skill requirements beyond the academic sector. In this regard, RECOGNISES the importance of policy measures that promote wider access to training and of career development instruments, as well as the promotion of value creation from knowledge, entrepreneurship and support to start-up creation, where relevant; and INVITES the Commission to explore these options in the design of ERA4You on the basis of Member States’ best practices.”